
Goal of the project is the generation of an OpenAPI specification with a minimal amount of manual tasks. It is configured within a few minutes and produces a first output file. The configuration and documentation of a complete REST API lasts some time.

Key Aspects of an annotation processor generator at compile time:


Use the available annotations in your project that already are present to configure your API


The API specification is always up-to-date because the file is generated during the build phase


No additional overhead while runtime. Generation occurs while build phase.

The OAS Generator is a java annotation processor working on annotations used to define a REST API in a Java application (Spring-Web or JaxRS). It is based on static code analysis, especially annotations that are used to create a REST API. Additionally, the JavaDoc comments from the given methods or resource objects will be included if they follow a defined format.

@RequestMapping(path = "/orders")
public class OrderController {

     * Get an order with an {@code id}.
     * @tag order
     * @param id
     *            the identifier
     * @param filter
     *            the filter that can be applied
     * @return a list of orders that match the optional filters
    @GetMapping(value = "/{id:\\d+}", produces = { "application/json" })
    public List<Order> getOrder(
                @PathVariable Long id,
                @RequestParam(defaultValue = "valid=true",
                              required = false) String filter) {
        // implementation



OAS Generator is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.